Ayinger – Celebrator DoppelBock


The History of Celebrator Doppelbock:  Originally brewed at a monastery in northern Italy, “double bock” was quickly introduced by Bavarian brewers to compete with bock. Doppelbock names end with the suffix “-ator.”

Taste: A rich, dark elixir with cascading layers of malt complexity balanced by elegant hops. Notes of toffee, caramel, elegant dark-malt roastiness, and pure malt. Pinpoint conditioning and semi-dry finish.

Serving Suggestion: Pastries and desserts, roast goose, cured ham, smoked duck, wild turkey, filet with Dijon sauce, chanterelles, Tournedos Rossini, Châteaubriand.

ABV 6.7%

1 x 500ml can

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